Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Trust You?

Two winters ago, my brother and I started on a road trip to see a cousin's wedding. The trip started out fine and in spite of the warnings we received about the weather, we set out with confidence in a smooth trip. It wasn't until we hit Soldier Summit's Pass between Price and Spanish Fork, Utah, that the snow began to fall. Then the wind began to blow and the roads began to ice and I began to panic. It had been a few years before this incident that I had hit a patch of black ice in the same canyon, popped a tire, and spun out of control into oncoming traffic.

In light of that incident and my control issues, I was more than sufficiently nervous to be on icy roads, with little to no visibility and sitting helpless in a passenger seat. It was a test of self-control not to scream and backseat drive every time the car went a little off course. The only thing holding me back was the knowledge that my input and complaints did nothing at all to help the situation. I felt that I was doing really well until we tried to stop and began to slip and slide all over the road and into the parked car in front of us. I couldn't help it the words -accompanied by a scream- were out of my mouth before I could stop them.

"Adam, watch out!"

The rebuke came quickly but calmly. "I'm trying." Then when the car came safely to a stop the final words of censure. "I'm not taking any chances. Trust me."

Of course I trusted him. I had driven with him many times and I knew he would never do anything to cause me extra worry or concern. He knew my past experience. He knew my fears. He also knew his vehicle. My lack of trust, though a natural response, just put more stress on the situation.

It's the same with our trust in God. President Henry B. Eyring in a conference address entitled Trust in God, Then Go and Do says that our trust in God "comes from knowing God. More than any other people on earth, we have, through the glorious events of the Restoration of the gospel, felt the peace that the Lord offered His people with the words “Be  still, and know that I am God.”  My heart is filled with gratitude for what God has revealed about Himself that we might trust Him."


I know that God loves me. I know that He lives and that He knows me personally. I know that He is always there for me. I know that He gave his Son for me and that everything He asks of me is for my happiness. Yet do I demonstrate trust in Him?

President Erying continues, "You show your trust in Him when you listen with the intent to learn and repent and then you go and do whatever He asks. If you trust God enough to listen for His message in every sermon, song, and will find it. And if you then go and do what He would have you do, your power to trust Him will grow, and in time you will be overwhelmed with gratitude to find that He has come to trust you. "

Sometimes, I don't exercise trust in God. Sometimes, I accidently scream. But I know that as I repent  and continue to learn about the Lord, I can have this promise of greater trust, both in Him and His trust in me.